3 top photo editing tips for beginners

Source: Freepik


Photos play a crucial part in your social media presence. More so, in apps like Instagram where your picture grid represents your style, values and what you stand for. In the brief moment you get to influence someone to follow your account, it is your pictures that will speak a thousand words.

Undoubtedly, your pictures need to be at their best. Unfortunately, the photos we snap are not perfect and may not capture our vision. Instead of uploading a picture that is not shouting your personality or the vibe of your social media, you should edit it to ensure it is at its best.

If you are a social media influencer looking to increase the number of your followers and start generating income through affiliate marketing, it is time you make sure your photos are top-notch! Some of the popular photo editing apps for social media are Lightroom, Photoshop, Snapseed and VSCO. Is Lightroom better than Photoshop? Well, that’s not the point!

Regardless of the photo editing apps you use, there are some basic must-use skills you need to know to ensure your edited photos capture the attention of your followers and boost engagement. Here are three top photo editing tips for beginners.


Pay Attention To Framing And Cropping

These two aspects are often overlooked as they are the basics of photo editing. If done correctly, they can transform your photo into a remarkable one.

Cropping removes unwanted details from the photo and helps you to highlight the subject. Make sure you crop your photo so that the subject of the photo fills the frame instead of being lost in the background. It is also wise to crop off all distracting elements from the photo such as strangers, trash, shadows, or anything unrelated.

Use the Rule of Thirds when you crop and frame your photo. Instead of placing your subject in the centre of the frame, place it towards the left or right third of the frame. Apparently, this framing captures the attention of viewers better than a symmetrical photo.


Never Underestimate The Resolution Of Your Photos

Source: Freepik


A common mistake social media influencers make is uploading photos of low resolution once they have edited the photos. Low res photos are big NO when it comes to social media as almost everyone is uploading photos every minute of the day and hence, it is crucial to stand out!

You might be uploading pictures that are suitable for the mobile screen but too small for desktop screen leading to low-resolution imagery. This might put off your followers in the long run. Make sure you upload photos of 1000-2000 pixels on the long side to cover all grounds.


Avoid Over-Editing Your Photos

Editing can enhance your photos and bring out the best in them. However, the line that separates good editing and over-editing is too thin. You have to be conscious to never spoil your photos with too much editing.

Social media users are not appreciative of edits that alter the true essence and details of the original image. Authenticity and truth should always remain the core of your profile as followers expect social media influencers to be authentic.

Tips: If you want to make your image more colourful, bring up the vibrance instead of the saturation.


Balance Is Key When It Comes To Photo Editing In Social Media

Source: Freepik


Get started with these simple yet efficient tips to enhance your photos on social media. Stick to your overall theme and keep your followers mesmerised with each post. More so, if you plan to be an influencer, you will be generating income with each of your affiliate posts.

To know more about influencer marketing and how you can be one right away, head to ACCESSTRADE MY. ACCESSTRADE MY is a leading influencer/affiliate platform that aims to connect influencers with top brands across the region. Register now to begin your journey as a social media influencer.

Photo Editing