affiliate marketing: could it be a possible side income?

Technology has revolutionised the way brands sell their products and services. Marketing strategies are constantly improvised to suit the current trend and needs of consumers. Right now, social media is playing a crucial role to bring together brands and their target audience.

Source: Freepik


However, affiliate marketing has long been in the game, even before social media came to the scene. Commissions given out to agents or referrals is how the journey of affiliate marketing began as early as 1994.


What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing that uses revenue sharing model between brands and affiliates. Standing the test of time and the revolution of the Internet, affiliate marketing has transformed and is proving to be an effective marketing strategy to reach target audience.

In simpler terms, an affiliate will help brands to sell products to their audience and get money for every purchase made through them.

Affiliate marketing brings brands closer to the audience through affiliates. While it has been proven to greatly benefit the brands, how is it benefitting the affiliates? The golden question is: Could affiliate marketing be a possible side income now?


How Affiliate Marketing Works And How Can You Benefit?

Source: Freepik


Traditional advertisements and impersonal approach are not as effective as they used to be. Consumers are looking for more personal and authentic experiences/reviews before they make decisions. This is where affiliate marketing comes in.

With affiliates who have an impressive social media presence and equally impressive number of followers, quality leads that convert to sales are easier compared to before. With a strong sense of community built through their social media presence, affiliates are making money with every purchase made using their affiliate link. Top brands as well as small businesses are engaging with social media influencers and affiliates to promote their products to niche target audiences.


How Can You Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

First and foremost, you need to know the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. As one of the leading affiliate marketing platforms in Malaysia and South East Asia, ACCESSTRADE MY is the right place to start your journey as an affiliate.

Besides helping you to get on board affiliate marketing, setting up your affiliate dashboard, suggesting campaigns and promos that will work best for you, ACCESSTRADE MY also provides training and organises events to ensure you are well-prepared.

Our training and events are mostly free of charge and aimed at upskilling our community of publishers. Besides these, you will also have full access to the ACCESSTRADE Academy, a one-stop knowledge center for our registered publishers. You will learn more about digital
marketing, the basics of being an affiliate and continuously upgrade yourself to meet the demands of the marketing world.

Perfect for those who are interested to explore the world of digital marketing, the lessons and programmes are carefully curated and structured so that both newbies and experienced digital marketers will have something to learn.

Some of the courses are:
● Building and maintaining a website
● Email marketing
● Social media marketing
● Influencer marketing
● Google Analytics
● Search Engine Marketing


Start Earning Money Through Affiliate Marketing

Making money online has become so common among the millennials and gen Z. If you are unsure about where to start and how to begin, be it influencer marketing or affiliate marketing, all you need to do is register with ACCESSTRADE MY.

Kick start your journey into the world of affiliate marketing for FREE!

Side Income