Publisher is an individual or a company that promotes merchant's products or services on their websites, blogs or social media pages to earn rewards.
Publishers will be rewarded when a visitor of their websites clicks an affiliate link (e.g. a banner, logo or text link), visits merchant's website and performs a desired action on the merchant's website.

What Is Your Benefit
As Our Publisher

Variety of campaigns
We have many advertising campaigns with varying action types and industries at the best commission rates on the market that you can choose to work on and invest on to earn unlimited revenue.

Reporting and Payment
We provide you superb management dashboard, reporting tools to monitor your working results with the utmost reliability and transparency. The payment is conducted on monthly basis via bank as scheduled.

24/7 Support
Our support team is always here for you to answer your inquiry or advise you how to earn more money by choosing suitable campaigns and optimizing your websites. We care for you and love to be your friend.